söndag 9 februari 2014

Bleeding days

"If you are a woman, you are going to bleed.
How you choose to relate to this experience though,
is entirely up to you.
What if you took this moment now to look back on your life, to consider the moment when you first pulled down your underpants to find a red stain there? Let the memory walk you into how you felt? What you thought? What you did? What you told your mother? Did you tell her at all? What she did? What she said? What you told your friends? What they did?
This memory might be full of joy, or wonder, or fear, or shame, or concern, or relief, or confusion, or disgust, or perhaps all of these things.
What are the beliefs that you have gathered that support a healthy relationship to your menstruating body, and, contrarily, which ones do not? What do you require to nourish yourself here? What is the best thing for your body and soul when you are bleeding? Perhaps you require more rest, or perhaps it's nothing more than a hot bath and a good book to put the World right. Perhaps you need to get together with other women and simply relate. Maybe you need to write, or sing, or dance, or go for a long walk. Perhaps your body will crave for more nutrient rich fods.
There will be those things you want to do in a private personal way and those that you want to do in a more collective and communal way."
Moon Mysteries - Nao Sims & Nikiah Seeds

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